Friday, May 25, 2012

Natural Weight Loss- Bye Bye McFatty!

Have you ever looked in the mirror when you were getting dressed and realized you were looking at a fresh, hot, and juicy McFatty? And I'm not talking about those decievingly delicious-smelling pieces of fried McCardboard you can buy at McDonalds... I'm talking about the fat on your body that is bulging and sagging.

I've heard some cute euphemisms for "fat," such as: "fluffy," "more to love," or my personal favorite, "phat"- meaning, Pretty Hot And Tempting. I've even adopted some of these as my own, saying, "Yeah... I'm pretty hot and tempting!"  Unfortunately, when I looked in the mirror a week ago, there was no lying to myself. There is nothing hot or tempting about that extra fat sagging around on my body...and I got disgusted.

That's right- disgusted! I got DISGUSTED with myself!

I used to dance 30 hours a week and I could eat one big meal after another and still be hungry. "The bottomless pit" was what my friends called me, and they always had to buy groceries before I came over because they knew I would be hungry every hour. At the same time, I was extremely fit and slim and I could sprint as far as I wanted. I always had plenty of energy and I slept good.

So what happened?? How did this flabby, saggy, big McFatty get into my mirror? Well, I stopped dancing like a crazy woman... and kept eating like a crazy woman... and it doesn't take a math wiz to figure out the end of that equation. In the past 5 years of not dancing I have gained about 30 pounds, and when you used to be so fit like I was, you can TELL. I mean, the fat hanging on your body practically mocks you.

And I don't like anyone or anything mocking me.

One thing that really blows my mind too is when I try to share my weight loss or health ideas with other people and they tell me stuff like,"That's so dumb- you're not fat! Why are you doing that? You don't need to worry about that. Why are you exercising? You look fine." yadda yadda yadda. Why would you try to discourage someone who is trying to improve themselves? I'm not talking about starving myself here, I'm talking about becoming healthier.

I like to be healthy, and I want to be healthy. Not just slim, but at my perfect body weight where I have energy and I sleep better. I don't want that cellulite on my legs and stomach- I want to be tone. Such outragious hopes? I think not... all this will be mine, and I'm going to post before and after photos to prove it!

How can I achieve this?? One word: NuSkin. And then another three words: I love NuSkin!

NuSkin has an AMAZING, scientifically proved program called ReDesign in 90 for different areas of focus, one being Weight Management. I actually just started this program 4 days ago and it's almost suspicious how easy it is. But, what I can say? NuSkin is the most advanced in their technology for anti-aging and general health and nutrition. Just my kind of company!

I was thinking about it today- losing weight and getting into shape- and I realized there was one important Factor I have been leaving out of this process. So right where I was, I bent down to my knees and put my hands together and said a simple prayer to my Heavenly Father, who cares about every little area in my life: "Dear Father, please help me on this journey to getting to my perfect body weight. Please remove anything getting in the way of my weight loss and please give me the right mindset and desires to stick with it and give you the glory. Thank You, Jesus! Amen."

If my God is with me, then who can stop me? Haha- I have a fool-proof program, and a fool-proof God.

Want to join me on my journey for natural weight loss with NuSkin? Comment or e-mail me! Want to join me on my journey for a natural love and desire of the Lord? Comment or e-mail me! I'd love to hear from you if you have any tips or hints as well!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a day full of blessings. :)

This is Jessie, signing out. ;)

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